By Schmoel Yitzhak
Who really is Israel's true friend -- Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?
More than ever this question demands an answer now that each candidate is hustling the American-Jewish vote.
The Democrats believe that they recently gained an edge when Washington approved a new military package for Israel.
On paper, the ostensibly "generous" gesture would suggest that Obama genuinely wants to help the Jewish State. But on closer scrutiny the "generosity" falls remarkably short of its intended mark.
Only the most naive will fall for the president's latest ploy which has a two-fold purpose; One was to upstage his rival's visit to Israel. (Obama is not coming and hasn't shown his face in the Middle East's only true democracy since Hector was a pup.) And, two was to persuade on-the-fence Jewish Democrats that the president really has "Israel's back," as he once claimed.
On closer scrutiny the ploys fail because of Obama's deep-seated love of Muslims and his not-so-subtle support for militant Islam.
While respected analysts continue to note that the Muslim Brotherhood is an anti-American organization infested with a deep-seated hatred for Israel, the White House could hardly wait to invite Egypt's MB reps to Washington.
As Israel Hayom columnist Isi Leibler accurately notes, doing business with Egypt's MB is roughly equivalent to lighting a cigarette while holding a gallon of gas.
"We should be under no illusions," says Leibler. "The Islamic forces of the Brotherhood seeking to control Egypt are ultimately committed to revoking the peace treaty. Their motives are deeply rooted in fanatical extremist Islamic ideology."
With friends like those, Washington is inviting a Middle East version of Pearl Harbor.
But it doesn't stop there. While Romney was winning Israel hearts on his tour of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, Obama's press aides couldn't even answer a simple question simply put: "What is the capital of Israel?"
Alas, the White House could not say what every Israeli -- every Jew -- knows and that is, Jerusalem is Israel's capital.
To which Republican legislator Eric Cantor explicitly pointed out that, once again, Obama's leanings, truly, are with the Arabs. "The president should be standing by its ally, Israel," Cantor asserts.
Now, before getting to Romney, let's address the arms package and its so-called value. What it amounts to is defensive support of the most limited kind.
In other words Israel may be able to counter a fraction of rocket fire from Lebanon, Gaza or -- as threatened -- from Iran but that is not good enough.
If the Second Lebanese War proved anything, it is that the Arab enemy is able to blanket Israel with thousands of missiles. Stopping ten percent of such an onslaught is meaningless if ninety percent gets through; especially if the rockets are accompanied by advanced destructive capacity.
Therefore the arms "gift" offers false security because what Israel needs more than defensive arms is offensive assistance and not just the explosive kind.
The political kind -- at this critical point in time -- counts a lot more in terms of Israeli security.
Look at it this way; if Uncle Sam is Israel's closest ally, the White House should take off the gloves an support an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. Unfortunately, the Pennsylvania Avenue strategists prefer obsequious appeasement mixed with useless sanctions which, if anything, merely embolden the Iranians.
In this case, On Obama's part procrastination is the thief of time because Iran's nuclear program continues moving at an express pace and Israel is running out of attack time.
Which brings me to the Republican candidate who came to Israel and pointedly was asked what his reaction would be to a pre-emptive attack by Israel against Iran's nuclear facilities.
"I would respect that decision," Romney replied.
My conclusion: Romney's vibes are in tune with Benjamin Netanyahu's. The GOP platform looks a lot more Israel-friendly than the left-oriented Democrats. In the end, Mitt is a lot more believable than the other guy.
Whether these points register with America's Jewish voters remains to be seen. Republicans are pouring plenty of campaign dough into luring Jewish Democrats over to the Romney side and maybe they'll succeed for a couple of reasons:
1. There's more concern than ever that the Jewish state is encircled by enemies determined to destroy it.
2. Obama's stated demand that Israel return to the 1967 borders has been salt in the wounds of even Jewish Democrats who understand the consequences.
3. The president's rude treatment of Bibi on the Prime Minister's first visit to Washington has not been forgotten.
Nevertheless, all the aforementioned points pall in comparison to the BIG issue; the Iranian nuclear threat. And it comes to this: Obama will not sanction nor support a necessary Israeli strike and Romney will at least "respect" such a necessary move.
Bottom Line: Romney is Israel's unequivocal friend. When it comes to the Jewish State, Obama has been a four-year fraud!