Thursday, February 27, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
By Simon Fischler
I am Zion.
I am the hills of Judah.
I am Zion.
The deep sea blue of the Mediterranean and the green of the Golan rests in my eyes.
I am Zion.
I wear the toughness of the Negev in my skin.
I am Zion.
Do not talk to me of keys to abandoned houses, because the key to the land of Israel lies in my blood-line and in my genes. My key is not some material object!
I am Zion.
My language speaks for the freedom of the indigenous people of Israel.
I am Zion.
Do not talk to me of Canaanites and Philistines. Do not talk to me of people I long vanquished for the freedom of my land. You have no connection to them.
I am Zion.
Many have oppressed me in my land, yet I have remained. My brothers and sisters scattered far and wide have always returned.
I am Zion.
Empires have invaded me time and time again: they have come from Rome to Arabia; they have tried to erase me. Yet I have risen again and again like the sun in the east.
I am Zion.
I am time eternal. I gave you the law you follow and I gave you Christ.
I am Zion.
You think you can oppress and defeat me with lies and innuendo. Have you not learned from the history of the world?
I am Zion.
You, who are you? You are Mohammad, you are the oppressive, colonial winds from Arabia and you will break up on my back like the many empires that have come before you!
I am Zion.
I am the people of the land, the Hebrews, the Israelites. I am Abraham, I am Isaac, I am Israel, I am Moses, I am Joshua, I am David and I am Solomon. I AM ISRAEL,
Monday, February 17, 2014
I may not appreciate the manner in which the Secretary of State has behaved toward Israel. However, after taking a look at the framework agreement, I believe that it is imperative that Israel accept what the American mediator has proposed.
The following are what I regard as the most important aspects of Kerry’s program:
The Palestinians must finally accept two states for two peoples, which means accepting Israel as the state of THE JEWISH PEOPLE.
For all the criticism Kerry has absorbed over this point it stands as a major achievement for the state of Israel.
Or, to put it another way, Kerry is now making it official to all world bodies. Simply this, that there will be no deal now or in the future without Palestinian recognition of the Jewish nation state, the Jewish peoples right to self-determination in their homeland of Israel, PERIOD.
No less relevant is Kerry’s outright claim to the Arabs, No to their specious claim of "Right of Return”.
This is crucial because Kerry's framework makes it clear that no where in any of the binding or non-binding United Nations resolutions pertaining to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict does it say that refugees have the right to return to Israel proper.
UN resolution 242 clearly states that a just solution needs to be found for the refugee problem. Lord Caradon who was the main author of the resolution made it clear that this point in the resolution spoke of Arab and Jewish refugees and when calling for a "Just solution to the refugee problem" it meant compensation to Arabs but no return to Israel, especially not in order to destroy Jewish statehood.
This Security Council resolution is binding, meaning it is international law. Israel accepted this in 1967 and the Palestinians,represented by the PLO, rejected it!
As for the contentious Jordan Valley, Kerry will not satisfy either side but his decision should be accepted by Israel. That is, all crossings into the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine will remain in Israeli security hands per the demands of Israel and THE KING OF THE HASHEMITES, Abdullah. This will remain in effect until the Palestinian security forces are truly ready to take responsibility for statehood.
Finally there is the issue of Israeli settlement blocks. Kerry wants them to remain inside sovereign Israel along with Ariel and Hebron. The Arabs living in Hebron will either be compensated to leave or receive Israeli citizenship.
Those Jews who wish to remain in the future Palestinian state will receive Palestinian citizenship and be offered the same rights that Israeli Arabs receive from the state of Israel. The Palestinians will receive all of Gaza ( The PA with American and Egyptian forces will push out Hamas and hand the last hydra head of the Muslim brotherhood over to the PA) and 90% of Judea and Samaria.
To equal the 10% of land Israel wishes to annex the Palestinians will receive the towns inside the Arab triangle as Foreign Minister Liberman made clear. No Arabs will lose their homes. Actually it will mean just an adjustment of the border and change of citizenship to Palestine that they claim as their nationality in the first place.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
By Simon Fischler
Anyone who thinks that the Cold War is over does not understand Vladimir Putin nor his dreams of returning Russia to its former glory.
Today’s Cold War battlefield is Syria and the stakes are higher than in the past.
Needless to say but the situation never had to reach this grim and exceedingly dangerous point.
However the boiling point has been reached because of the Obama administration’s knack for blundering at every point. Simply put, the White House hasn’t a clue when it comes to doing right by the world.
Had the dean of indecisiveness, Obama, backed the secular rebels at the beginning of the rebellion against Bashar al-Assad a positive humane result would have developed.
At that time there was every opportunity for the Americans to have ousted Assad while simultaneously dealing a crippling blow to Russia, Iran and Hezbollah while also keeping Al-Qaida out of the Syrian opposition.
Tragically for Syria, American and most of the civilized world, Obama sat on his hands and tragedy piled on tragedy – latest Syrian death count has reached 150,000.
Obama and his administration were incapable of stepping in when necessary. It resulted in a complete failure by the democracy that is supposed to defend the free countries of the world.
After the president revealed an American red line -- if Assad employed chemical weapons America would retaliate -- he abysmally failed to back it up when the Syrian regime used chemical weapons on its citizens; more than once.
The numbers of dead at the hands of the Assad regime have already passed those of the Balkan wars (100,000) and are inching towards the numbers from Burundi and Rwanda (“800,000 dead in Burundi”, “500,000 – 1,000,000 dead in Rwanda”).
It strains credulity to realize that murder on such a massive scale as that being carried on in Syria still can happen in the 21st. century.
The fact that the United Nations and America are powerless to stop genocide at the hands of dictatorships such as Russia, Syria and a theocracy like Iran means nothing has been learned from the Holocaust.
America must stop sitting on the fence in Syria. It is imperative that Obama take charge of the Syrian disaster area.
The Russian Fox, Putin, is praying on America's lack of leadership. It is a major disaster that Egypt has signed a weapons agreement with Putinstan. Egypt, so painstankenly pried from soviet hands at the price of Israel giving back the Sinai peninsula, is an ally America should think twice about losing.
Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel -- are all watching to see if America makes the right decisions
At the moment it’s evident that Jihadists have taken advantage of America’s inability to help the Syrian people.
However there still is time for Obama, Inc. to change the outcome. Obama can still stand up to the Putin, Assad, Hezbollah and Iran axis.
Meanwhile, Hezbollah, Iran and their backers Russia remain bigger problems. Both Hezbollah and Iran are more powerful than Al Qaida and both are driven by the Shia, end of days belief.
Both Iran and Hezbollah have the same colonialist aspirations for the Levant and the Middle-East as Al Qaida and both, unlike Al Qaida, have the ability to implement it if Iran goes nuclear and America continues to behave like a paper tiger.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Friday, February 7, 2014
By Simon Fischler
It’s time to boycott the boycotters!
The time has come for the supporters of Israel and those who love freedom to come out and fight ruthlessly against the boycott of Israel.
Boycott the boycotters of Israel … because they call Israel -- a liberal democracy that gives all of her citizens, Arab Israelis included, the freedom of speech, freedom to vote and freedom to live – an apartheid, racist state, while turning a blind eye to Palestinian racism towards Jews and Israel.
After all, it was Saeb Erekat, chief negotiator of the “MODERATE” Palestinian Authority, who said clearly that not one Jew would be allowed to live in the State of Palestine!
Boycott the boycotters of Israel … because they want to point the finger at Israel, while ignoring that a Jew cannot buy land in Jordan, simply because he is a Jew!
Is that not racial discrimination?
Boycott the boycotters of Israel.
They castigate her for enforcing her blockade of the Gaza Strip. Yet not a word has been said about Turkey invading northern Iraq to kill Kurds (whom they call terrorists). Not a word about Turkey occupation of Norther Cyprus.
There is NO boycott of Turkey.
Yet the boycotters want to boycott Israel (INSTEAD of a list which should include Zimbabwe, Russia, Syria, Turkey, Somalia, China, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, to name but a few)? Really.
Boycott the boycotters of Israel, … because they ignore that Israel has tried more than once and certainly more than the Palestinians to create a State of Palestine!
After all who rejected Peace at Camp David? The Palestinian leadership did.
The “occupation” exists today ONLY because it was more important for Arafat and his cronies to destroy Israel than create a State of Palestine
Boycott the boycotters of Israel … because they say Israel has committed Genocide.
Yet they ignore the intentional use of suicide bombers against Israeli civilians, which is, without a doubt, a crime against humanity. The intentional attempt to kill civilians is illegal according to the Geneva Convention.
Yet Hamas specializes in the intentional attempt to kill Israeli civilians. Hamas started its suicide bombing spree right after the signing of the Oslo Peace accords in a direct attempt to sabotage peace.
The boycotters of Israel aren’t going to boycott the Palestinians or Hamas.
Nor will they boycott the Palestinians for intentionally shooting more than eight thousand rockets into Southern Israel after Israel withdrew civilians and the IDF from the Gaza strip.
Intentionally shooting rockets into civilian centers as Hamas does from Gaza is a human rights violation and a crime against humanity.
Boycott the boycotters of Israel … because they claim Israel is racist since her character is Jewish.
Israel is racist only because she is the Jewish State?
Yet Egypt, which in its constitution clearly states it is an ARAB, MUSLIM republic is not racist and doesn’t warrant boycotting?
Jordan and Syria have the same clauses is in their governmental manifestos. Lebanon goes even further: the constitution of Lebanon clearly states "Lebanon is Arab in its identity and in its associations."
Iran is the ISLAMIC republic; no one is boycotting Iran because of that. Most EU countries are by definition Christian, hence the need for Chief Rabbis of the country, something not needed in America.
Yet Israel should be boycotted?
Boycott the boycotters of Israel … because, while condemning Israel for human rights violations that she does NOT commit, they simultaneously disregard when these same crimes are carried out by the Palestinians, Arabs and/or other Muslim countries.
Boycott the boycotters of Israel … because instead of condemning Israel they should be condemning Syria for the on going atrocities committed by the Alawite, Assad, Apartheid regime.
Boycott the boycotters of Israel … because they claim they want to fix past wrongs, but fail to realize that the creation of Israel fixed the colonialist wrong of the Arab occupation of Israel.
Boycott the boycotters of Israel … because they talk of seven hundred thousand Palestinian refugees created out of Israeli Independence. Yet they fail to acknowledge that MOST of those refugees were created because they were following the orders of the Arab leadership to leave their homes so it would be easier for the Arab armies to dispatch Israel.
They never talk of the NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND JEWISH REFUGEES thrown out of Arab and Muslim countries. Do they boycott the Arab and Muslim countries that stole everything from their former Jewish citizens? NO!
Boycott the boycotters of Israel … because their intent is to destroy Israel and deprive the Jewish Nation of its right to self-determination, while encouraging the creation of yet another Arab Muslim state.
If this isn’t racism and anti-semitism, what is?