Tuesday, April 29, 2014


By Schmoel Yitzhak

With exceptional fuss and fanfare a long, long time ago, John Kerry launched the latest of a long line of American-sponsored "peace processes."

Just to be sure that he had enough time to pressure Israel into making incredible concessions to the Arabs, the Secretary of State set an April 29 "deadline" to then bring the curtain down on talks. 

Well, Super-John, the curtain has closed and you look like a horse's ass.

Worst still, Kerry comes off as a bitter horse's ass as well because the team he backed all the way, Abbas, Inc. failed him.

If he was a man, Barack Obama's stooge would have stepped forward and ripped the Palestinians for their endless bluster and obstructionism that meant the talks -- as we and others had predicted -- were doomed to failure.

Instead, Can't-Get-It-Done Kerry did what he's been doing for months; instead of accepting blame for his failure, he indicted Israel in the most heinous manner possible; suggesting that the Middle East's only democracy will someday become an apartheid state.

The Secretary knew before he uttered the filthy word that it would sting Benjamin Netanyahu -- not to mention millions of Israelis -- to the very core. 

Kerry understood all along that he was delivering the ultimate gratuitous kick in Israel's ass and yet -- with not a whit of compunction whatsoever -- he maligned America's foremost ally in the region without blinking an eye. 

This ultimate of cheap-shots was Kerry's strategy to avoid addressing the sole cause for his "peace" crusade's failure -- the reconciliation of Hamas and its once sworn enemy, the PA. No more, no less.

His cowardice at the forefront, Kerry maintained the same anti-Israel stance that surfaced from the very moment last Fall when he allowed Abbas to set what became a series of pre-conditions that inevitably forced Bibi to finally say enough already.

No question, Abbas expected Obama-Kerry to force Israel into still further concessions and, even though he certainly didn't have to compromise his position even more, Bibi did produce still further offers.

Kerry knew this but when the Palestinians pulled their "We going to the UN" move, the Secretary understood that Israel had no choice to end the giveaways.

It was a grand opportunity for John The Jerk to finger the culprit, Abbas. 

But, no, he knifed Bibi with his poof crack that it was Israel that ended the negotiation.

We could say that such immoral White House behavior has been the norm throughout the phony "peace process" but, then again, that would be redundant.

What really matters is that April 29th has arrived and Kerry's irresponsible plan has gone the way of Grimm's Fairy Tales!

Monday, April 28, 2014


By Simon Fischler 
In remembrance of the victims of the Nazi Holocaust we the people of the Jewish Nation and the Jewish Nation State must remember that the Arabs of Israel lead by Haj Amin al-Husseini aided and abetted the Nazi’s. 
We must never forget, nor let the Arabs or their European henchmen forget that the Arabs were an ally to the Nazi’s and did their utmost to assist Hitler. 
We must never forget that they even prepared their own final solution for the Jews of Israel. 
Along with this we must realize that today in Israel there are Arab Nazi’s living amongst us and they should pay the same price that Adolf Eichman paid! 

First and foremost amongst these Arab Nazi’s in Israel Is Raed Salah. 
Without a doubt Raed Salah is Haj Amin al-Husseini reincarnated; he should be facing the same fate that Eichman faced. 

Next in line is Taleb al-Sana. He too has Nazi blood running in his veins and would have made Hitler proud. His genocidal intentions towards the Jewish Nation and Israel should also ensure him the fate of Eichman. 
Another among the Arab Nazi’s residing in Israel is Hanin Zoubi. 
If Germany had had a Tokyo Rose during WW2 Hanin Zoubi could easily have been her. Her fanatical hatred of the Jewish Nation and the Jewish Nation State and her outright treason should send here they way of the Dodo! 
Along with the Arab Nazi’s, Israel and the Jewish Nation must not forget the European Nazi’s who still voice their hatred towards Jews and Israel. 
I am talking about Waffen SS soldier Gunter Grass! 

Is it not the height of hypocrisy that a former Waffen SS soldier thinks he can judge Israel?
The fact the Gunter Grass, a soldier of the NAZI STORM troopers, the Waffen SS, can receive a Nobel Prize shows how demented the people in Sweden are and how intense European Nazism still is. 
Mr. Grass is also a prime example of who is leading what is supposed to be the Socialist, Liberal Left in Europe and America! 
The only socialism that Gunter Grass believes in is National Socialism. He is the poster child of the Nazi intellectual! 
The only thing that is liberal about Mr. Grass and many of the Liberal Left today is their hatred of Jews and Israel! 
This was made clear by the European Nazi activists who attempted to breach Israeli sovereignty with there failed flytilla! Yes, these open minded, liberal Europeans who were detained drew Swastikas in their cells will waiting to be deported. 
I think that does enough to sum up their mentality! 
Along with all of this, in remembering those who fell in the Holocaust, we must remember that even amongst our Nation we too have our own Nazi’s; that is the self-hating Jew! 
On Holocaust remembrance day we need to follow in the foot steps of Joshua Ben Nun, and remove our enemies.

We need to remind the world that Israel refuses to die and that those of the Jewish Nation that perished in the fires of Europe did not die in vain! 
The SIRENS have now sounded on Holocaust Remembrance day 2014 and the world must know that WE SHALL NEVER FORGET THE CRIMES OF ALL OF EUROPE; FOR ALL OF EUROPE WAS NAZI LAND! 


Saturday, April 26, 2014


By Sig Demling

John Kerry did everything he could to make Mahmoud Abbas look like a peacemaker. 

But just as you can’t make chicken salad out of chicken doo-doo, converting a Jew-hating Arab into St. Francis of Assisi is a feat that can’t even be contrived by the best of the White House marionette-makers.

Kerry knew the fraudulent nature of Abbas, Inc. all along. The Secretary of State simply played dumb and dumber — somehow hoping that enough Israeli concessions would finally persuade the Arabs to talk peace.

Have the Arabs ever wanted peace? Of course not. History repeatedly has demonstrated that truth.

But the latest merging of Hamas and the PA essentially made Kerry look either like a Pennsylvania Avenue ostrich or the second coming of Pollyanna. A mildly terrorist group (the PA) becomes betrothed to a hideous, venal bunch of rocket-launching madmen (Hamas) and the world is wising up about the Middle East.

Even the heavily pro-Arab State Department betrayed its dismay over the Hamas-Abbas marriage and when such a traumatic — for State, that is — development takes place, you know that the Arabs have been taking their NO-NO-NO over Israel to new depths of deception.

Not surprisingly the rain of rockets continues to fall on Israeli soil and so far, at least, the response from Benjamin Netanyahu has been tepid to say the least. 

Perhaps, for the moment, Bibi’s reaction is the more prudent way to go but any continuation of the barrage should, once and for all, inspire a tenfold counter-attack in return. After all the Prime Minister has played Mister Nice Guy long enough.

As for the that phantom bit of business called the “Peace Process,” when all is said and done, Kerry struck out. No more; no less.

Never mind all the so-called energy he delivered, and the time spent shuttling back and forth. The bottom line still is the same bottom line it was ten, twenty, thirty years ago — and more.

The Arabs — as in Nasrallah, Abbas, Hamas, you name it — simply do not want to make peace with Israel. 

In this case, Kerry winds up being a Middle East version of Humpty Dumpty. And now that all his fuss, fanfare and bluster have been expended, the Secretary of State has had a great fall. 

And all of Obama’s horses and men can’t put poor Humpty Kerry together again!

Thursday, April 17, 2014


By Sig Demling

                         All The News That’s Fit To Print — New York Times Slogan

Every day newspaper readers in the United States and other precincts are greeted with the above-mentioned slogan when they pick up the alleged newspaper of record.

But any serious journalistic critique of the New York Times will reveal that it merely is the newspaper with loads of space to fill. And it fulfills that challenge well with an assortment of human interest features, news of the lively arts and sports.

All of the aforementioned are relatively — but never completely — harmless and reasonably informative.

The major problem, issue — call it what you will — is that the Times,based on its reputation, is a complete and unequivocal fraud.

It is a fraud because it pretends to be a few things — among them honest, fair and accurate — but misses each of those targets by newspaper miles.

The Times coverage of the Middle East is dictated by an unmistakeableanti-Israel agenda. It always has been part and parcel of the broad-sheet’s policy but took a hideous turn to an even-worse level once William Safire’s op-ed column was deleted from the paper.

Brilliant both in his writing and insights, Safire had access to leaders such as Ariel Sharon and the thinking of Benjamin Netanyahu among others who understood Israel’s need to fervently protect the nation by force, if necessary, when tissue-paper treaties are ripped by Arab nations.

The exit of Safire and the emergence of Thomas Friedman — Jewish in name only — marked the Times rabid swing to the Arab side. As anyone with a fair journalist mind can detect, Friedman’s anti-Israel prejudice is redundant to the point of boredom.

One thread can be found from Friedman through to the editorial writers as well as Times’ staffers in Jerusalem who invariably write with an egregious favoritism for the Arabs.

The bottom line is that the alleged “newspaper of record” is nothing close to being same. Week in and week out the Times presents an imbalanced hatred of israel while — head buried firmly in the sand — supporting dictatorial Arab states. This totally irrational stance is out of touch with reality on the ground yet is presented with blithe disregard of the truth.

For keen White House observers this should not come as a surprise. The Times has unabashedly been the mouthpiece for Barack Obama whose policies have been to undermine Israel at every turn in the road which now is pockmarked with John Kerry’s political potholes.

You won’t find such observations in the Times because the only news it fits to print about Israel is overwhelmingly negative.

— end it --

Thursday, April 10, 2014


By Schmoel Yitzhak

You could have bet on this the moment John Kerry launched his endless charade known as the “peace process.”

From Day One to the present, it was inevitable that blame for failure of the Arab-Israeli talks would be placed by the Obama team on the Jews.

It didn’t matter that from the get-go Mahmoud Abbas was the key obstructionist on any run to first base.

Nor did it matter that Kerry’s promises to be an honest broker was an outright lie. 

Every Israeli concession — especially the prisoner releases — was greeting by a stonewall reaction from the other side. 

Benjamin Netanyahu conceded and Abbas, Inc. remained steadfast, demanding even more concessions. 

Not once during this maniacal merry-go-ground did Kerry single out the Arabs for criticism.

The Palestinian mantra that consists of NO-NO-NO along with constant incitements agains the only true Middle East democracy never inspired criticism from the White House nor its stooge Secretary of State. 

Energetic Kerry may have been but fair he was not; not at the start and certainly not now that talks have reached their expected collapse.

I predicted here from the moment of Obama’s first election victory that Israel would be egregiously dumped upon by the president and none of his moves from that moment on has altered my thinking.

In his own not-so-subtle way Kerry has been despicably pro-Arab. His latest comment, blaming Israel simply underlines this point:

The Jewish State hasn’t a chance of fair treatment under this administration.

What Bibi and his Knesset must decide is what form of strategy to assume until a new American president takes office.

Bottom Line: Kerry has failed while taking the easy way out; blame Israel!

— end it --


By Schmoel Yitzhak

You could have bet on this the moment John Kerry launched his endless charade known as the “peace process.”

From Day One to the present, it was inevitable that blame for failure of the Arab-Israeli talks would be placed by the Obama team on the Jews.

It didn’t matter that from the get-go Mahmoud Abbas was the key obstructionist on any run to first base.

Nor did it matter that Kerry’s promises to be an honest broker was an outright lie. 

Every Israeli concession — especially the prisoner releases — was greeting by a stonewall reaction from the other side. 

Benjamin Netanyahu conceded and Abbas, Inc. remained steadfast, demanding even more concessions. 

Not once during this maniacal merry-go-ground did Kerry single out the Arabs for criticism.

The Palestinian mantra that consists of NO-NO-NO along with constant incitements agains the only true Middle East democracy never inspired criticism from the White House nor its stooge Secretary of State. 

Energetic Kerry may have been but fair he was not; not at the start and certainly not now that talks have reached their expected collapse.

I predicted here from the moment of Obama’s first election victory that Israel would be egregiously dumped upon by the president and none of his moves from that moment on has altered my thinking.

In his own not-so-subtle way Kerry has been despicably pro-Arab. His latest comment, blaming Israel simply underlines this point:

The Jewish State hasn’t a chance of fair treatment under this administration.

What Bibi and his Knesset must decide is what form of strategy to assume until a new American president takes office.

Bottom Line: Kerry has failed while taking the easy way out; blame Israel!

— end it --

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


By Schmoel Yitzhak

John Kerry has been lying to you all along.

Not to me. 

I had the bum figured out years ago and made my point on these pages over and over again.

The man is a fraud. 

He has been telling the world — virtually from the get-go of his “peace process’ that progress has been made.

Word out of his propaganda machine was that the Arabs and Israelis — make that Mahmoud Abbas and Benjamin Netanyahu — actually were working toward a deal.

At least that’s the bull-doo-doo that Kerry was tossing around. Throwing it around specifically to rationalize his merry-go-round of talks with Israelis and Palestinians, hoping to attain the un-attainable.

Who knows what Kerry’s ulterior motive happens to be. Does he aspire to become the next American president? Is this phony crusade of his designed simply to burnish his image as Secretary of State? 

Really, as far as Israel’s good and welfare is concerned it really doesn’t matter. 

The peace talks which extended through March were an exercise in futility. There was nothing encouraging because it basically Arabs talking to Kerry and Jews talking to Kerry but virtually never did the Palestinians and Israelis deal face-to-face with one another.

Kerry knew this. So did his Israeli-bashing boss in the White House. But they combined to create this charade simply to make themselves look good. 

Tzipi Livni, Israel’s chief negotiator, dutifully kept her mouth shut vis-a-vis Obama-Kerry as the Livini, the personification of political correctitude.

But when the Palestinians walked away from the “talks” last week even Tzipi had it up to here and, finally, ripped Abbas, Inc. for their duplicitous behavior.

Make no mistake, Kerry will try to salvage the negotiations — and his withered reputation — by pushing Israel into even more concessions. 

This time, there should be no question about Bibi’s answer, once and for all.

Enough is enough!”

— end it --